Rohan Kapoor, the golden boy of Charlotte, is a newly minted cardiothoracic surgeon with prestigious job offers and a mother eager to see him married to a suitable bride. Enter the matchmaker. After years of travel, super-successful artist turned high school art teacher, Solei Beals is ready to put down roots. When she meets Rohan at an art festival, the attraction begins, and by the festival of Holi, she's fallen big time for the golden boy. However, his family obligations and expectations create barriers. If he's unwilling to fight for the life he says he wants, why should she?
A Hard Yes is the perfect book to sit back and take time off from your busy day. A glass of sweet tea or your favorite wine are perfect pairings. What I love most about this book are the characters, the matchmaker storyline, the setting in Charlotte, the extended family dynamics, what Rohan and Solei have to learn about how they want their lives to look, and the original storytelling. It's one of those books that's hard to put down.
With summer sliding into fall, it's time to concentrate on writing my next stories. It'll be hard to find time to read, but I'll do my best ;) Currently, I'm reading Rise of the Ranger by Philip C. Quaintrell (a birthday present from Mr. L.), and I just started Joyful by Ingrid Fetell Lee. Good luck finding your reading time. Let me know what your favorite summer read has been by commenting below.
Happy reading! You can catch me on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, BookBub, and Goodreads. And of course, sign up for my newsletter and follow my blog here at