First, a huge shout out to our front line responders—doctors, nurses, emergency men and women, all healthcare workers and their support staff, law enforcement, postal workers, restaurant owners who are cooking for their communities while sheltering in place . . . anyone who is doing their part to keep us all safe. Be Blessed. Be safe.
April is the perfect month to re-imagine a blog, isn't it? I have spent the last eighteen months writing three books and I'm excited to tell you about it, but first . . . I have to figure out this shout out gig. So here I go . . .
April Showers brings May flowers. I LOVE flowers. Mr. L. and I live in the foothills near Mt. Hood (in Oregon), on an acre. We live in the trees. Sometimes, I dream of having a very English garden instead of a forest. I loved Bath, England when I visited as a young lady. We have been remodeling our house for far longer than I'm willing to admit, so the garden, except for the kidney garden out front and my pots, mostly get put off until the next spring and summer. I keep thinking we need to get the house done first. This year, my goal to work on the garden more than a little bit. I'll let you know how that goes.
Coffee. The one thing that sustains me through the writing, and just about everything else, is coffee. Some writers love chocolates. My go to is a dark heavenly brew. Mmmm. Medium roast, and yes, I'm one of those that you get behind in line when you're in a hurry—half 2%, half almond milk, vanilla, salted caramel latte. Also, I love Bailey's in my coffee, but that is a story for another day. Crazy . . . I know.
New Release. I'm pretending I've never written a blog post, but really, it's likely there will be someone out there who remembers I used to blog . . . And I might know you. That's a start. I'm a working novelist, meaning I have a day job as a nurse who has done all kinds of nursing. Currently I work from home reading lots of medical records. My other life is the writing. On top of that, there's the additional challenge of social distancing. We're in this together, so let's have a conversation.
Here's a sneak preview of my intention for this blog. There will be a new blog post about every two weeks (my blogging history, unfortunately, is not a good example of this happening, but I'll do my best). Most likely I'll stick to gardening, small town life, aging parents, oh and writing news. And, I'll make the occasional announcement. Once in a while, I'll probably throw in one of my favorite recipes.
Drum roll please. ANNOUNCEMENT! This is the best news! And what I've been working on for the last eighteen months. Imagine a recovering, small town community on the Oregon coast. That's Angel Point. The first book, The Sheriff's Baby Bargain is coming out April 20, 2020. You can pre-order now @
Here's your sneak preview –

The Sheriff’s Baby Bargain
by Susan Lute
She’s just what the doctor ordered… but never knew he needed
U.S. Marshal-turned-Sheriff Taylor James can trace her family back to the original thirteen Marshals appointed by George Washington. She’s good at her job, but once they find out she’s the local law, she can’t get even one of her dates to stay past the appetizers. Her plan? Convince good friend and hot neighbor Dr. Gabriel Adams to give her dating lessons since his dance card is always full.A survivor of childhood leukemia with no guarantee his remission will last, Gabe lives by two rules: Don’t get emotionally involved and don’t let his well organized life spiral out of control. When he’s given a baby, with his name on her birth certificate, he needs Taylor’s help. But dangling dating lessons in exchange? If that will get the dedicated sheriff to lend a helping hand, could it be a bargain worth making?
Thank you for joining me. Happy reading. I'd love to hear what you're doing during your own shelter in place.
Take care and be healthy and safe.